ODM Collections is highly specialised in receivables management and purchasing. Our personalised and professional approach and use of cutting-edge technologies and innovative business solutions makes us a turnkey servicer able to secure efficient collection on behalf of our clients whilst avoiding reputational and financial risk and taking into account all clients’ needs and features of the underlying transactions.
The company has been operating since 2022 and in a very short time we have gained the trust of numerous renowned companies clients from various fields and branches of industry, for whom we are a reliable partner in claims management. We meet high business standards by continuously improving procedures and investing in education of our employees.
ODM Collections is highly specialised in receivables management and purchasing. Our personalised and professional approach and use of cutting-edge technologies and innovative business solutions makes us a turnkey servicer able to secure efficient collection on behalf of our clients whilst avoiding reputational and financial risk and taking into account all clients’ needs and features of the underlying transactions.
The company has been operating since 2022 and in a very short time we have gained the trust of numerous renowned companies clients from various fields and branches of industry, for whom we are a reliable partner in claims management. We meet high business standards by continuously improving procedures and investing in education of our employees.
We don't service until we analyze
Our team has knowledge and many years of experience in the field of business law, sales, finance, reputational risks, protection of personal data and provides highly professional and consistent work on your cases.
Receivables Purchasing
Receivables purchasing takes the stress out of your business: we get your money right away and we assume default risk. Selling matured receivables is becoming an increasingly popular strategy for organisations looking for rapid cashflow improvements and liquidity boosts or seeking to address the very many administrative and operational issues common with receivables portfolios.
Your company no longer has to worry about collecting late receivables and securing the vast resources needed to service them. We are here to professionally and comprehensively manage your receivables, focusing on addressing reputational risks and ensuring efficient collection proceeds. By purchasing your receivables we help your firm free up resources for growth, provide an injection of liquidity, and ensure you can reduce your negative balances.
After the final purchase price is agreed, we will sign a contract with your company to transfer your receivables and all relevant documents to ODM Collections. You will thereafter bear no additional risk nor be liable for any collection costs. Your firm will quickly receive payment and can continue operating without the drag of the outstanding receivables on your business.
Receivables Purchasing
Receivables purchasing takes the stress out of your business: we get your money right away and we assume default risk. Selling matured receivables is becoming an increasingly popular strategy for organisations looking for rapid cashflow improvements and liquidity boosts or seeking to address the very many administrative and operational issues common with receivables portfolios.
Your company no longer has to worry about collecting late receivables and securing the vast resources needed to service them. We are here to professionally and comprehensively manage your receivables, focusing on addressing reputational risks and ensuring efficient collection proceeds. By purchasing your receivables we help your firm free up resources for growth, provide an injection of liquidity, and ensure you can reduce your negative balances.
After the final purchase price is agreed, we will sign a contract with your company to transfer your receivables and all relevant documents to ODM Collections. You will thereafter bear no additional risk nor be liable for any collection costs. Your firm will quickly receive payment and can continue operating without the drag of the outstanding receivables on your business.
Advantages of receivables purchasing:
- Cash made available immediately, shoring up liquidity
- Saves time and resources
- Internal collection and staff costs are optimised
- Operating efficiency is increased
- Debtors can restructure repayment modalities and deadlines
- Beneficial tax treatment
Advantages of receivables purchasing:
- Cash made available immediately, shoring up liquidity
- Saves time and resources
- Internal collection and staff costs are optimised
- Operating efficiency is increased
- Debtors can restructure repayment modalities and deadlines
- Beneficial tax treatment
Reasons to choose ODM Asset
Professional receivables management and support across all stages of collection
Maximum efficiency in collection through threefold synergy between call centre, lawyers, and enforcement officers
Integrated collection tracking and co-ordination from one centre
Professional treatment of debtors without reputational risk
Flexibility through use of advanced IT solutions
Long-standing experience in business law, finance, tax, and personal data protection guarantees adherence to highest standards and consistency in case management
Robust and detailed collection analytics confirmed by client experiences
Razvijen sistem izveštavanja prilagođen potrebama klijenata u realnom vremenu
We will be your reliable partner with a good reputation
СадTežimo da izađemo u susret vašim potrebama, da razumijemo vaše poslovanje, vaše klijente i vaše tržište. Najviši princip kojim se vodimo je da naš tim učinimo vašim timom. Gradimo uzajamno povjerenje i pružamo visok nivo fleksibilnosti, pragmatičnosti, analitičnosti, posvećenosti, a uporedo primjenjujući stručno i praktično znanje prilikom sagledavanja potreba klijenata sa finansijskog, pravnog, PR i društveno odgovornog aspekta.ржај преклопника
We try to go beyond the framework of the established “seller-buyer” relationship, which only refers to the financial part of cooperation, while neglecting all other aspects, which are also important for a successful
business of both parties.
Our client list includes renowned commercial banks, insurance companies, telecommunications companies, as well as companies from all other fields and industries. When choosing clients, we are guided by strictly professional and ethical motives, there is no limit to the size or activity of the client, as well as the type of portfolio. We pay special attention to maintaining good business relations with the users of the client company’s services, thereby avoiding the possibility of any reputational risks, which we consider a very important aspect of our business practice.
Total charge
Careers in ODM Asset
A company can only be as successful as its people. With this in mind, we strive to hire, develop, and retain the best talent and create a pleasant and supportive working environment that will motivate us all to be our best in our day-to-day work.
If you also have the desire to join us and become part of our team, we invite you to apply
via the online contact form.
Nedoumice i zablude
Prekomerno kontaktiranje klijenata/dužnika
Kompletna komunikacija sa klijentima/dužnicima je struktuirana, vodi se po unapred utvrđenim scenarijima koji su sastavljeni u zavisnosti od delatnosti klijenta/dužnika, prirode potraživanja, kao i okolnosti nastanka potraživanja, uz primenu najviših profesionalnih i etičkih standarda komunikacije. U svom radu nikada ne pribegavamo postupcima poput prekomernog pozivanja telefonom, traženja klijenata/dužnika preko komšija ili članova rodbine, kao ni sličnim poslovno i društveno neprihvatljivim postupcima.
Uvećavanje troškova dužnicima – neproporcionalna naplata
Troškove sudskog procesa, kada do njega dođe, snosi tužena strana, tako da klijent ostvaruje punu naplatu potraživanja, umanjenu samo za naknadu usluge naplate. Naša strategija je, naravno, da se naplata sudskim putem izbegne kad god je to moguće, u cilju zadržavanja dobre poslovne komunikacije između predmetnog klijenta i dužnika i minimizovanja troškova postupka.
Popis, procena i zaplena imovine
Izbegavamo popise, procenu i zaplenu imovine i možemo sa ponosom da kažemo da su prisutni u veoma malom procentu (ispod 1%), a ukoliko do toga i dođe trudimo se da trošak dužnika bude što je moguće manji.
Kompleksna „papirologija“
U cilju izbegavanja kompleksne „papirologije“, naš tim profesionalaca je dizajnirao integrisano IT rešenje koje pruža sve potrebne operativne informacije koje prate proces naplate potraživanja u realnom vremenu. Ovo rešenje je zasnovano na najsavremenijim tehnologijama i ispunjava sve važeće međunarodne i domaće standarde. Stalnim nadograđivanjem softvera, efikasno implementiramo promene u poslovanju i pratimo tehnološke inovacije, čime uspešno gradimo konkurentsku prednost. Postupak se svodi na minimalan broj „papira“ i to u formi razmene svih formata elektronskih dokumenata, koje se pritom procesuiraju u našem softverskom rešenju.
Tretman potraživanja
Potraživanje nije teret – to je vaša imovina koja zahteva pravi tretman i upravljanje!
Send Us a Message. Call Us Today!
ODMC posluje u 6 jurisdikcija na zapadnom Balkanu - Srbiji.
Claims are not a burden - they are your assets that require proper treatment and management!
Montenegro —
54/4 Ivana Crnojevica Blvd
81000, Podgorica